Friday, August 21, 2009

Tips on Designing a Feng Shui Bathroom

Tips on Designing a Feng Shui Bathroom
Chinese and several Asian culture are still believe that Feng Shui is one of global rule of life, on designing a bathroom based on Fen Shui, there are several tips:
  • A plan where the bathroom isn't located directly across from any entry doors would be most preferable. The entry to the home is where career and opportunities enter. If the bathroom is located directly in front of the entry, they could flow out immediately.
  • The bathroom shouldn't be placed in the fame, prosperity or wealth sections of the bagua.
  • In the plan, try to include a toilet closet to hide the toilet from view.

Tips on Designing a Feng Shui Bathroom
  • If you choose a home with a second floor, the bathroom shouldn't be located over the main entrance.
  • With a new home you have the opportunity to choose the perfect bathroom color scheme, Light colors and pastels are most desirable for proper Feng Shui.
  • A lot of good lighting is important. Use wall sconces to lighten up any dark walls or corners.
Tips on Designing a Feng Shui Bathroom


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