Updating The Bathroom Paint Colors
When people think of updating a bathroom, they normally begin to think of it from a remodeling standpoint, not about bathroom paint colors. This would mean gutting everything, and then replacing everything with new stuff. This cost is almost always more than $3,000. But, if you just want to change the look and give it a clean and sharp look, then a can of paint and some silicon caulk will do the job.
Bathrooms should have clean appearance. Especially if you are going to try to sell a house, this area is one the main areas of the house the wife are looking at, with the other being the kitchen. Knowing this knowledge, you need to keep the paint neutral. A white semi-gloss paint is the best choice.
This semi-gloss is necessary for an area where is will have moisture. The water will just run off the paint, and not soak into it. Also, the shininess of the paint gives it a cleaner look, and even a brighter look, as the light from the bathroom will reflect off of the paint. When painting the bathroom with this white semi-gloss paint, you should paint all of the walls and the trim work in this semi-gloss. As a side note, it is always preferred to keep all of your trim work in a bright white color. This is standard in most houses, and will not required repainting if you change other colors. Now, the bathroom walls are all updated, repainted, and looking especially clean. Next area is around the accessories.
People do not realize they need to replace their silicon caulk around their faucets and toilets periodically. Over time, this seal will break, start to come loose, and even discolor. An easy way to sharpen up the bathroom is with new white silicon caulk.
First, just remove all of the old caulk. You can do this with any sort of knife, and if it is old enough, you can just peel it off. Then clean the area you removed it from with soapy water, and maybe even bleach to make sure it is clean from mildew or mold. Once it is clean, you are ready to apply the new caulk. The caulk you will use is silicon based caulk. It is also labeled as bathroom and kitchen caulk. Make sure you use white. Apply a nice, small, and even line around each of the seals. The seals would be: toilet, faucets, drains, any valves, sink top, and the base of the tub. A nice white line of caulk in these areas will give a new clean look, and better yet, will help to prevent any water damage from leaks.
Just by spending about $20, you can completely reface your bathroom, and give it a brand new look. It will be all white, and white is a first sign of cleanliness. You have also sealed up any potential leaks. Just this simple fix can be an intermediate fix as well, and buy you some more time if you still want to completely remodel. But in the mean time, you now have nice clean and updated bathroom paint colors.
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