Friday, August 28, 2009

10 Questions to Ask Your Architect

If you are building a new home, hiring an architect for the design and project management of the home can make the whole process go smoothly. Here are 10 questions you will want to ask the architects you interview for your project:

  1. What does the architect see as important issues or considerations in your project? What are the challenges of the project?

  2. How will the architect establish priorities and make decisions?
  3. How busy is the architect?

  4. What sets this architect apart from the rest?

  5. How does the architect establish fees? When will fee payments be expected?
  6. What are the steps in the design process?

  7. How does the architect organize the process?

  8. What does the architect expect you to provide?

  9. If the scope of the project changes later in the project, will there be additional fees? How will these fees be justified?
  10. What services does the architect provide during construction

Bonin Architects & Associates offers full architectural design services, limited drafting services based on your project needs, and optional project management services. Our architectural design services and fees are listed in detail on our website. Give us a call or send an email to tell us about your project and let's discuss how we can work together!

Questions courtesy Boston Society of Architects / AIA


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