How To Arrange Your Bathtub To Fit Into Your Bathroom Layout
If you are not sure about how to arrange bathtub, there is a way that can help you and, of course, you can do it yourself. Firstly, sketch a plan of your bathroom by scale down from the real bathroom in correct ratio. Second, cut papers and make them like each sanitary ware in your bathroom then try to arrange and see whether these sanitary ware models are in the most convenient position. You can re-arrange them as many times as you want until you find the most suitable for you.
For large-sized bathroom
It is really important to have a forward planning on how to arrange sanitary ware in order to make the most use of them. The most common problems that we found about arranging larger bathroom are, when we complete the installation of all sanitary ware, there still be a large space left in the middle of the room.
When arranging a bathroom layout, most of experienced designers will give first priority to the bathtub and they generally consider to put bathtub at the middle of the room in order to make bathroom don't have isolated look and feel, instead the bath room will have the feeling of luxurious, too. Apart from that, if the bathroom has a good sanitation system, they can even embed the bathtub into the floor.
For smaller bathroom
For the bathroom in smaller houses or condominiums, they generally has size around 2.25 square meters. This type of bathroom highly requires inspiration creativity and expertise in order to arrange smaller room to look larger.
Please also remember that the higher ceiling, the smaller of the room look and feel. The standard height of ceiling which don't make bathroom look cramped is between 2.2-2.4 meters. Use dark tone colour with ceiling will also make your bathroom look cramped. You should use lighter tone or use ceiling lights to make the room brighter.
Using colour is also important, white colour and creamy colour are the most popular for using with bathroom, because people believe that these colours will make bathroom looks clean and comfortable. However, there are other colours, such as bright green, that also make the room looks fresh and active.
Good position of lights also helps small bathroom looks more comfortable. Using large mirror with bright colour also helps. You should choose sanitary ware that has smaller size in order to keep space available, but not too small. Here is the list of standard size of sanitary ware and space required, which you should consider.
- The smallest space for bathtub start from 75 cm. to 1.7 meters
- Shower space should not smaller than 1 square meter
- Size of bathtub space should not smaller than 0.9x0.9 meter
- Space for toilet should not wide smaller than 0.85 cm.
Doors may be the other problem of small bathroom, because doors required amount of space. Choosing sliding door may be the better option in order to save space. But if you have to use a normal type one, avoid installing in the way that people in the bathroom pushing the door to open, which may be unsafe to the people outside the bathroom.
Collection of Bathroom Ideas.