Tragically, it's rare that I see a hot movie in the theater anymore. That whole work-kids-life combo leaves precious little time for tracking the careers of super-beauties like, say, Josh Hartnett. Or Lucy Liu. It's sad.
But what's downright disturbing is the fact that I miss aforementioned hot movies on Netflix. I mean, I'm the reason Netflix was invented.
No, it took one long vacation with no babysitter and no TV for Lucky Number Slevin to drop into my lap...courtesy of one seriously neglected husband and the St. Michael's, Maryland library. Excuse me, that's the "Talbot Country Free Library." Whatev.

This movie is AWESOME. And it's not just because of Josh Hartnett. Or Lucy Liu. Or Morgan Freeman, or Bruce Willis, or Ben Kingsley...

No, it's the amazing, irreverent, vaguely psychadelic interiors. I mean, who DESIGNED this sh*t? Whoever it was, I want to work for you. Right. Now. (Exaggerated gesture, hand to ear: call me!)

There seems to be no picture online - legal or illegal (and sorry about the illegal ones; please don't sue me) - of the best shot, which is of Josh Hartnett coming down a hallway with amazing, zany, graphic wallpaper.
So I guess you'll just have to see it for yourself.
Trust me. Would bossy color steer you wrong?