Monday, October 26, 2009
First of all, the term "color camp" was totally misleading. Sorry about that. "Color BOOT Camp," possibly, or "Color College," "Hue University..."
In an ongoing effort to bring gravitas and respect to the field of color science, the IACCNA (International Association of Color Consultants North America) offers an intensive series of seminars to professionals in the field. If you complete them - over the course of a few years, since they're not offered all the time - complete the home assignments, take a test, and write a thesis (I doubt bossy blog will exempt me from that), you may then become an accredited member of this elite group.The lecturer is Frank Mahnke, who has written several authoritative books about color, including Color, Environment, and Human Response. I'm looking forward to reading them, actually.
I didn't really know what to expect of the seminar, to be honest. Rachel of Hue had sung its praises, and Maria of Colour Me Happy is an IACC member. Kelly of Arte Styling is deep into the program, too.
In retrospect, I probably wanted the "argumentation" (as Frank would say) to back up the color decisions I make already, in the course of my work. I know I'm instinctively good with color, but I wanted more information about why color X looks good with color Y, etc.
I didn't quite get that. But I will. Seminar 1 was an overview of the psychological effects of color: the neuro-psychological aspects, emotional effects, and visual ergonomics...
You can maybe see how a non-professional might be disappointed.
Of the approximately 20 of us, one woman was understandably miffed that she wasn't getting the kind of information she wanted...let's just say that the "miffing" took place publicly, and loudly, and involved the slamming of a door. It was bizarre, actually. (Good thesis in there for someone interested in group dynamics.)
Anyway, despite the use of an overhead projector - remember those? - and a slide projector - remember THOSE? - there's no question that I learned quite a bit about the effects that color and light have on us.
And, almost more important, I connected with some amazing women - yep, we were all women this go-round - with whom I look forward to staying in touch. Most attendees are involved in interior design in one way or another, but there was also an expert in personal styling, an author, an automotive industry color designer, a faux painter, a floral designer, a fellow member of the national museum-recovery program...a really cool group of people.
Which was important, considering that the after-hours activity centered on dodging the ladies of the night who hang out in the Mission Valley Resort parking lot. Thankfully, not a single one of us was mistaken for one of them. I think it might have been the name tags.
They're calling my flight (THANK YOU, San Diego airport, for wireless internet), but more later -
Labels: Color