Monday, October 12, 2009
A three-day weekend loomed, and bossy color's world headquarters was in desperate need of an overhaul. This may be hard to follow, but stay with me...
It all started with the living room drapes. Sigh.
There they are, on the left. I've had a love/hate relationship with these drapes ever since I bought them 4 years ago. Objectively, I love them. In this room, I never really made them work.
But that's another story.
Right now, all you need to know is that I finally decided to have these lovely, oversized drapes cut down into into two pairs for my office. It's happening as we speak. I'm really excited about it.
For those to work, though, I needed a new wall color. Here's where we started:(Oh my gosh - here's a BEFORE before picture, from right when we moved in, I'd forgotten about that oranger-than-thou accent wall. It didn't last long.)
Back to the recent before -
Hard to believe this is where the magic happens, isn't it? Embarrassing.I wanted a paint color that would make that wonderful light green fabric - Beacon Hill's Florian, color Ming - look a little edgy. I've been loving the whole Robin's egg blue color craze, so I tested some of those.
Benjamin Moore's 2052-70 Ice blue won out. It was between that and 2051-60 Bird's Egg, but I thought the lighter color ultimately would be better with the drapes. Let's hope.
Anyway, no need to depend on the kindness of strangers when family's coming into town :) Here's my dad, handy with the tape...
...and my brother James (er, Jimmy Riot)...
And me, of course...
Yeah, yeah. Just get me another Diet Coke, wouldja?
Aaaaannnnd the reveal. The close-to-finished product, bossy color's new and improved world headquarters, which willl be even MORE improved by the installation of the drapes in a few weeks.
Aahh. The office will never be this tidy again, so please take a good long look.
And stay tuned.
Note, added 10/14/09: I used Aura paint for this project and had, for the first time, an odd experience with little paint "crumbs" - dried flecks of paint getting caught in the roller and making it onto the walls. Odd. I asked about it on Benjamin Moore's Facebook page, so I'll see what they say...
Labels: Before and after, Color, Office, Paint, Window treatments