Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy last day of summer.

I had the pleasure - nay, the privilege - of spending some extra special time with one of my daughters recently, because her school started, get this: two and a half weeks after her sister's. Unfortunately, our babysitter's school started when daughter #1's did.

We read books. We went to Costco. We baked things. We also burned things. And, when I just needed a sneak peek of the grownup life that awaited me in 5...4...3...days, I took her to work.

We went to Mitchell Gold.

About Mitchell Gold, let me say this: I'm a fan. There are several reasons:

  1. Their furniture is well made and well priced
  2. Given the right nudge, it can swing traditional or contemporary
  3. There is a store right here in D.C., about 9 minutes from my house, so I can send my clients here to look at the things I recommend
  4. The people who work there are wicked nice and helpful. Don't underestimate that.
So, off Ruthie and I go, to check out the new stuff, the old stuff, and the sofa I'm eyeing for our own living room. Behold, the Liam:

But if I'm to adhere to my own rules, I'll start with the rug, and the sofa will have to wait...

Generally speaking, I'm always on the lookout for for elegant, non-gargantuan sectionals for clients. The Charlotte sectional is great for traditional settings. Like when you secretly want a sectional but worry - with good reason - that it won't look right with your traditional architecture. This one will. They don't list prices on their website, so let me help you out: as shown, the Charlotte retails for $3070:

I also was impressed with the Clifton sectional, which Ruthie was kind enough to test-sit. My picture shows the wood trim at the bottom in a darker stain than on the website...I think it would be a nice complement to Asian pieces. The stock price is $3640:

The Clifton floor model is upholstered in Soft Suede - Honey, which I've used on not one but two Dr. Pitt sectionals:

That fabric is bulletproof. One of my favorite clients took a swatch of it and, as I watched in horror, dumped a glass of orange juice on it. It beaded up and rolled away. It was awesome.

Moving into the bedroom, I liked the Yates bed. (The yellow bedding on the website is horrifying, though.) With the nailheads, it's kind of a cousin of the Liam sofa. We're all headboard crazy these days (including me), but the wings are a nice twist. Great in front of a window, if that's your room's best option. The Yates as shown is $2495:

The Byron leather chair has lovely , small proportions. Perfect for a small study or a man's dressing room. The Byron's stock price is $1695:

And the Brooke could go in a woman's study. Or library, but I love the subtle, graceful curves. It's also very comfortable for someone of, ah, smaller stature. This one is $1275, which I think is a very good price:

At this point, I think Ruthie's getting a little antsy...oh, but wait. Check out these Mason leather arm chairs. Each one is $1295:

You really can't tell from the picture, but the upholstery is really beautiful. It's kind of pearly, kind of metallic -

Oh, all right...we can go. But wait! These lamps are really great. The Ferris table lamp's stock price is $295 -

- and the Rubix is $250 -

Huh? Did you say something?

Oh, for Pete's sake! I get it. Vamonos. Thanks for being so patient, bub.


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