Saturday, September 5, 2009

Italian Bathroom Ideas from Lombardelliarredamenti
Lombardelli is a family and a professional team that will advise and accompany their customer through the pleasant process of imagining and creating their customer's living space, One of several great work is creating bathroom, their bathrooms are skillfully created to propose an inspiratonal environment and to present the latest features about interior design and bathroom accessories. On the first picture, there is Italian-Asian bathroom design, composed of modular elements and single elements. Structures and front are MDF coated with polymer oak, drawers are lacquered grey, feet and handles with shiny chrome finishings.

Here is the Rialto Bathroom design, an Italian Bathroom design that composed of modular elements and single elements. The glass top has an integrated "Former" transparent sink, structures and front are MDF coated with polymer oak, drawers are lacquered yellow, feet and handles with shiny chrome finishings.

Italian Bathroom Ideas from Lombardelliarredamenti

This is the Italian Ola Bathroom, this bathroom has considerable versatility and modularity allowing to satisfy even the most demanding requests for customization and rationalisation of spaces. It provides the use of a range of interesting materials and finishings that offer the opportunity to make different combinations of materials, including leather.
Italian Bathroom Ideas from Lombardelliarredamenti


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