Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Located in the historic district of Gelnhause, Germany, this unique project named the Living Room was designed by Seifert Stoeckmann. Now if you feel that your house has not enough windows, then I’m sure that after you’ll see this project you’ll change your mind. The house is perforated by 52 windows set in a checkerboard pattern. Just think for a second …52 windows …there will be a lot of work at washing them. The bedroom hangs in a sliding drawer that can be opened over the street for alfresco sleeping, very cool design. Finally I don’t think that I would like to life in a house like this, and the only reason for a house like this to exist is …as a tourist attraction.

Living Room HOuseRoom Living Houseliving room house 2 “Living Room” House in Gelnhause, Germanyliving room house 3 “Living Room” House in Gelnhause, Germanyliving room house 5 “Living Room” House in Gelnhause, Germany


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